SOA Session NSHM Durgapur

Rahul K Sharma asked me to do an SOA session in Kolkata for management students. Then i had to re affirm my YES when the request was followed up by Nitin calling me up to get a confirmation. How ever they missed out to inform that the session would happen at a distance of about 3 hours drive from Kolkata.

The venue was NSHM Durgapur, around 3 hours drive from Kolkata. Very serene campus, amidst the greenery has a good ambiance to it too. The audience were MBA students, which was followed up by Rahuls technical session for the BCA students.

We were joined by Mr Majumdar and Debasis, the long drive took us through discussions covering art, literature, Rabindra Nath Tagore, Tata Nano, Singur plant, Sales, technology, plight of the many displaced homeless poor in the name of development. What works in business and what does not work, what works in IT and what does not work. Mr Majumdar is 30 years into IT industry i learned a few quotes from him.
"Power leads to corruption, absolute power leads to absolute corruption" - Nehru
"Translation of a work of art is like the other side of embroidery it captures the design but not the beauty" - Don Quixote

The narration of various incidents relating to his career, dedication and devotion to work were inspiring, he explained poems of Tagore and its spiritual touch. How Tagore throughout his life span of 80 years captured the entire spectrum of human emotions into his art.

Gaby's interest in poetry, am yet to read one of his poems though, if i get hands on one it should make it to one of my entries :).

Back to our SOA sessions, an attempt to give insight to the students community regarding what is happening in the global industry. Such opportunities are an honor to any individual; to be invited and to be a part of it; much more rewarding is the interactions with the fresh and sharp minds that would build the future and you as a person is linked to the future through those contributions.

In the session; we; as a team tried to have a sneak peek at SOA and the participation was awesome !!!.

It is vital to understand the audience to know how much they knew about SOA, and if they knew anything at all.

Students were really smart they replied they do not know anything at all about SOA, like the wise man said knowledge begins with "i do not know".

From there we took the journey of SOA together, and in only 45 to 30 mins time they had become cognizant of not just what SOA is, but how SOA could help them, how to make SOA a reality and where SOA would fail.

Really impressive !!!, A gathering to remember. and I wish "May the best things in life come to you"


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