Digital Camera - Ponder About It

Its been quite some time, ive been pondering over it ...
Some times i get convinced out of impulse , just go for it ...
Most of the time rationality takes over, how much benefit at what cost ...
But then technology is an innocent indulgence until you spent the bucks ..
It takes me to pages, Sony, Kodak, Canon, Nikon, and what not 
Tools are a constraint, but its constraints that shapes works of art or architecture ...

To extract sensation, sentiment, passion and life from the inanimate is a dare ...
The aura of the Taj, permeate its cold elements ...
Had the walls of Taj been drawn, with painting of men or animate
For then it would'nt be Taj but something else ...
Like aroma of Nasheed, kept pure, away from strings ...
Let it be that way, let it be constrained, let me just strive to bring out a picture ...
For not just the aim but the means do stand to testify ...
What I have that gives me a portrait is good enough, for creation is HIS job i just need to convey  ...
Even the pursuit of perfection complies to be qualified ...

In short - I am not buying a new camera at least for now :)


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