Genitically modified crops, Electronic Gadgets, AC, Toxic Wastes - Earth taken for granted

Your support and continuous financial contributions are what give Greenpeace the strength to battle the dangerous global environmental threats facing our planet today. In order to preserve our independence and objectivity, Greenpeace does not accept funding from corporates or governments. This makes your support absolutely vital to our cause. While your financial support is invaluable, there are other ways in which you can support our campaigns. 1)--Greenpeace is working worldwide to prevent potentially harmful genetically modified crops from entering our food chain. As a consumer, you have the power to tell governments that you don't want to be subjected to this untested technology. Check the labels on the food that you buy and say no to genetically engineered food. 2)--Planning to buy a phone, a PC, or a laptop? Many electronics products manufactured in India contain extremely toxic chemicals and metals that are harmful to human health. Greenpeace is working to make computers an...