Green Movement - IBM
Yes we produce the greenest systems out there ( red-paper , podcast ), yes we care about people affected in Bihar ( Rs 55,67,265 donated) and yes the innovation that IBM drives influences and touches the lives of millions of people to help them have a better quality of life. Nicholas Donofrio, IBM executive vice president for innovation and technology ( interview ), convinces beyond doubt "If nothing changes, nothing changes". Yes !!!, we all wants things to change for better, this would happen with our readiness to change for better, its been long time since we have been thinking for change now its time to do. Last time I met a orthopedic was for Jagadish, a good friend of mine. I remember the doctor’s quote “Life is not equal to software”. Life is more than the world within the cubicle, more than within our friends and family, more than within our country, more than the whole of humanity and yet it is so simple to contribute to it. Why all these big words? When you visuali