cyclothon 09 participant details

The BSA Hercules Cyclothon 09 Bangaluru was an awesome success !!! the participation shows it !!!

Total rough estimate of participants is 7 to 8 thousand (optimistic) and 6000+ ( for sure).
Corporate Participation was from 300 to 400 riders
Accenture / Infosys had a group close to 100

IBM had a group of 15 of which 3 were girls, the over all estimated percentage of female participation is being put at about 5%.

The arrangements were better than expected, the way they rented out bicycles was also impressive given the challenges of renting out bicycles for around 6k of people.

The event re-affirms my belief that going green is a worthy cause to take up not just to keep our self healthy but also to contribute to the healthy living in general and most importantly to build a better tomorrow where coming generations would have a greener and healthier environment.

Authorities please take a note, we need bicycle lanes in bangalore.


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