Yahoo Map, Find Latitude Longitude and Zoom

The mashup is built to -1. locate latitude longitude of a place/location,2. find zoom level from a loaded map, - (Move the mouse over the map and click)
3. latitude and longitude for loading the world map, (click on load world)
4. Display a location based on latitude and longitude at a given zoom level. (provide latitude, longitude and zoom values and click on Submit)
(last update - 20/09/2009)
Finding latitude and longitude of a place Any where in the World.
Based On Name.
1. Enter a valid location address like "San Francisco" or "701 First Ave., Sunnyvale, CA" or "94089",(without quotes) in the place input box below
2. Click the "Find Place" Button
3. Use the zoom control on Top Left of the map for adjusting view. or read below
The Way of Explorer
1. Click on any country on World Map
2. Change Zoom to 14, the map zooms In - Click 'Submit'
3. Click the next point near to the place you are looking for
4. Zoom to 11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3 etc to zoom on to the place - Click 'Submit'
5. Click Load World to Start again

Lat: Lon:


  1. It looks good Yaseen. Looks like you have found a new interest in mashup applications now :-)

  2. cool mashup, it really helps to find the latitude and longitude

  3. Awesome yaseeen saaare ... another area of exploration


  4. quite nice way to highlight the 'facade' and 'service' aspect of Mashups; seems very neat.

  5. Cool Yaseen Bhai... I m bad in Geography.. Now makes it easy for me to teach my future kids about Latitude and Longitude info..
    Nice App..

  6. this is brilliant, and very useful especially for ones with the new gadgets were they can feed in a destination point.

  7. Nice application!!!
    Jaby Mohammed, PhD

  8. great work yaseen

  9. Cool cute app.., Any vector graphics in it??

  10. Nice tool sir...
    Would be helpful if you could provide some details abt the implementation[:)]

  11. Thanks Uday, agree with you Manish its interesting, may be cloud is going to be the next, thanks sobha glad you find it useful, rakesh jee thanks alot, thanks Maya for the high level comment, Narsi its one thing to create an app for some use but i am more delighted that you would use it for education as well thanks alot, thank you Jaby, Jubayr and Ankur, Sudhir am not sure if they internally use vectors thanks for visiting, Ritin let me post the code for it some time soon, thanks alot for the comment

  12. Wow Yaseen this is gr8 staff, I did not even know these numbers (Latitude and Longitude) with the help of you I have leant something new

    Keep up the good work and teach us some more cool staff.


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